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Frontend Rendering Engine — FRE

Using the site_frontend TYPO3 extension,
your content elements will automatically be resolved, template paths won't be required or any kind of TypoScript like this:

tt_content.ce_rte =< lib.contentElement
tt_content.ce_rte {
    templateName = Rte

    dataProcessing {
       // ...

at all.

Instead you can use PHP and the Frontend-Rendering-Engine provided by the site_frontend extension.

Where are the template files located?

Take a look into EXT:site_frontend/Configuration/Config.php under the ContentElements.rootPaths section.
By default the value is equal to EXT:site_frontend/Resources/Private/Fluid/Content/Templates/ for normal Content-Elements.

For IRREs (Inline Relational Record Editing) Content-Elements - such as an accordion, a slider or tiles - the path is EXT:site_frontend/Resources/Private/Fluid/Content/Templates/IRREs/.

How to do dataProcessing just like in TypoScript?

In TypoScript you would usually do something like this:

dataProcessing {
    10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor
    10 {
        if.isTrue.field = irre_accordions_item

        table = tx_sitebackend_domain_model_accordions
        pidInList = this

        where.field = uid
        where.intval = 1
        where.dataWrap = parentid = |

        as = accordions

to fetch the raw database-table records (rows) of an inline field, e.g. for accordions of a Content-Element.

Cons for doing it like that are:

  • Raw table values - means, there's no DataMapper which is called by TYPO3 which would identifiy a field being a FileReference or another IRRE etc.
  • Each IRRE field you'd like to fetch would require this kind of dataProcessing.

While the pros using the FRE are:

  • Automatically map within your model
  • Customize the fetched records by listening within a RenderingEvent
  • Data is passed to your view (fluidtemplate) as data.<TCA / SQL fieldname> e.g. data.irres_accordions_item

Requirements for another way instead of dataProcessing:

  • Entity (formerly known as Model)
  • Repository
Accordions — Entity


namespace Site\SiteBackend\Domain\Model;

use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity;

class Accordions extends AbstractEntity
    protected string $header = '';

    public function setHeader(string $header): self
        $this->header = $header;

        return $this;

    public function getHeader(): string
        return $this->header;
Example code of an Accordion entity.
Accordions — Repository


namespace Site\SiteBackend\Domain\Repository;

use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository;

/** Empty repository as placeholder to get magic methods just like findAll etc. */
class AccordionsRepository extends Repository
Example code of an Accordion repository.
The repository can stay empty with no custom methods at all. It extends the default repository provided by TYPO3 which offers the main functionality e.g. `findAll` or `findByUid` which are essential for `site/site-core`.

Auto-Mapping of IRREs works only if the representative repository-class has been found. Otherwise nothing happens at all since you may use TypoScript or any other kind of rendering.

The entities/repositories are able to be created automatically. This feature can be disabled though inside EXT:site_frontend/Configuration/Config.php under ContentElements.rendering.autoGenerateModelRepos since it's risky.

By default it's false and only respected if it's present inside your Config.php file + set to true.

If you have all requirements, you can create a new EXT:site_frontend/Classes/Configuration/Listener/<Name of your CType>RenderingListener.php (e.g. EXT:site_frontend/Classes/Configuration/Listener/RteRenderingListener.php) file and add the following code now:



namespace Site\Frontend\Configuration\Listener;

use Site\Frontend\Configuration\Event\CTypeRenderingEvent;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Mapper\DataMapper;
use TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer;

class RteRenderingListener
    protected DataMapper $dataMapper;
    protected ContentObjectRenderer $cObj;

    public function __construct(DataMapper $dataMapper)
        $this->dataMapper = $dataMapper;

    public function __invoke(CTypeRenderingEvent $event)
        $this->cObj = $event->getCObj();

        $data = $this->cObj->data;
        $CType = $data['CType'];

        if ($CType === 'ce_rte') {
            $data['fd_rte'] = str_replace('<3', '❤️', $data['fd_rte']);

        $this->cObj->data = $data;

        return $this->cObj;
    - name: event.listener
      identifier: 'site-frontend/rendering-listener/rte'
      event: Site\Frontend\Configuration\Event\RteRenderingEvent

The custom RteRenderingListener event will transform – in case its CType equals ce_rte and your SQL/TCA column is named fd_rte (where fd stands for field) – '<3' into the heart-emoji now. (:

Automapping of IRRE fields from TCA to frontend view (template)

As mentioned above, IRREs are automatically mapped to e.g. {data.irre_accordions_items} inside your template.

Last update: 2021-12-28